Mill Aramid and Kevlar® without fiber overhang
Aramid and Kevlar® are textile fibers that are used to reinforce plastic parts. Composites made of aramid or Kevlar® are often used as heat protection. In addition, they are used as bullet protection, for example in attack helicopters, because they are very tough and yet stable. Aramid and Kevlar® fibers are also used to reinforce CFRP structures and in conjunction with other fibers; for example in the manufacture of helmets and monocoques in racing.
Kevlar® and aramid fibers chip in fibrous form and tend to "splice" and become brittle - similar to wool threads that are cut with blunt scissors. Therefore, such structures must be processed with very sharp cutting tools, which are also designed as a compression tool. The compression or the support is necessary because the textile fiber can bend in any direction and tries to avoid the cutting edge. If the necessary compression is missing, the fiber is not cut but crushed. A fiber overhang occurs on the component, which is generally not permissible.
Smooth cutting edges and long service life
Hufschmied Tools with a compression cut such as the Type 161 or Type 193 avoid fiber protrusions thanks to their Z1+1 or Z2+2 compression geometry on the circumference. These tools produce smooth cutting edges with a good service life in Aramid and Kevlar® components.