Process optimization

Step 1: The analysis - processes, machines and material on the test bench.

Use of the latest analysis and measurement technology:

  • High-speed camera
  • High resolution microscopes
  • 3D cutting edge measuring device
  • acoustic inline quality control SonicShark®

Review of the entire manufacturing strategy:

  • Feasibility studies of the machines used
  • Assessment of the component clamping
  • Analysis of the tools used

The aim of this comprehensive process analysis is the precise determination of the current status and the determination of all cost drivers and factors that negatively influence the processing result. From the start to the end of the project, you always have the same competent contact person from Hufschmied is available for storage, management and analysis.

Excellent processes thanks to our many years of expertise

With the right solutions, the processing time and manual rework can be massively reduced, especially in series production. When machining technically demanding materials, there are many starting points to keep the processing costs as low as possible and to maximize the quality without post-processing. Take advantage of more than 30 years of experience and competence Hufschmied Process consulting, optimize your manufacturing processes and sustainably increase your profitability!

The common goal of all measures is the optimization of your production by improving your processing quality and speed with the aim of reducing your production costs. The basis is the analysis and optimization of each individual process step. We achieve this competitive advantage together in three steps.

Step 2: The optimization – in every respect. And down to the smallest detail.

The more extensive the machining processes become, the more adjustment screws there are for your optimization. Based on your requirements, we develop a coherent concept that eliminates all weak points.

This optimization is based on the comprehensive analysis of the machining process using the latest measurement and analysis technology. We are thus advancing into the machining area in which the chip is created. In combination with our broad and deep understanding of materials, we are able to understand all the parameters in detail that influence quality, efficiency, running time and costs when processing the component. At the end there is the material and tool-optimized programming of your machine.

Goals in the second step

  • Achievement of a rework-free quality
  • Cost-optimized manufacturing processes
  • Reduction in the number of tools required
  • Capacity optimization of your production facilities
  • Shortest possible processing time in compliance with all quality specifications
  • Resource-saving use of tools
  • Technologietransfer

Step 3: The implementation – make maximum profits from knowledge.

The basis for the implementation is an extensive package of measures that fully utilizes all the possibilities of your production facilities.

Strong together

In addition to the material-optimized programming of your machine, we use the significant advantages that can be achieved by using our process-optimized tools. Together with you, we will develop the full potential for a cost, time and quality-optimized series process in order to demonstrably and significantly increase your competitiveness.

Goals in the third step

  • Running in the entire process on site at your place
  • Material-specific use of the corresponding process-optimized Hufschmied-tools
  • Adaptation and fine adjustment of all process parameters on site
  • Sample processing according to your quality requirements
  • Start series production in your company in an optimized process
  • Further optimization of the tools for maximum achievable service life
  • training of your employees

In the standardized and proven process to series production. Verifiable results - according to plan.

Our strengths …

Continuous application advice has always been one of our greatest strengths. Now we have bundled the consulting competence in our company, strengthened our staff and offer comprehensive engineering for our customers as an independent service. 

... your advantages

With this engineering process that we have standardized, we can start series production at the on-site production facilities, often within just a few days. All preliminary tests and programming take place in our HSC center Bobingen. When all parameters are defined, we run the process on your machines. This significantly reduces the burden on your production capacity.

Show initiative

From the practice for the practice. That is our claim for a service whose value-adding contribution you can skim off directly through falling processing costs. 

You can reach our experts at

The strategy here: comprehensive examination of the entire processing process from the submission of the offer to the first test, the first sample to the series process. Contact us. Together with you we optimize your production step by step.

Start your optimization today!

Our standardized engineering process developed for you in detail:

  • Your Request
  • Clarification of your requirements by our experienced employees
  • Our offer
  • Creation of a requirement profile in consultation with you
  • On-site research: Which machine is used with which processing parameters?
  • Transfer of your individual machine, component and clamping parameters 
  • First attempts in Bobingen:
    • tool pre-selection
    • force measurement
    • surface measurement
    • Initial Wear Considerations
  • Programming of the machine by our competent Hufschmied Team
  • Running in the entire process on site in your company
  • Adaptation and fine adjustment of all process parameters directly at your place
  • Start of series production in an optimized process at your site
  • training of your employees
  • Setting up a consignment warehouse Bobingen for just-in-time tool supply